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Creating & Modifying a CalendarRules Docket

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Dockets are the result of applying a CalendarRules trigger to an AdvoLogix matter. Dockets represent a series of activities grouped by virtue of a common time-line objective. This results in the ability to manage a group of interconnected Activities that move forward independently of (and/or in unison with) each other.  

1. Creating a New Docket

There are many ways to assign to create a new matter docket. A common method is to use the New button from the matter's related docket list. Your organization may optionally choose to add the Create Docket button to the button menu on the matter page layout.

1.1. General Information

1. Matter: will be automatically assigned when creating the docket from the context of a matter. Otherwise select the matter to which the docket will be assigned.

2. Court: will be automatically assigned based on the court the Matter is assigned to. If the matter has not been assigned to a court or the court needs to be overridden an alternate court can be selected.

3. Trigger: select the appropriate CalendarRules trigger for the desired court rules. The available triggers are based on the previously selected court.

4. Trigger Date: enter the based date for which the activities should be scheduled for. This entry is extremely important for establishing the dockets schedule. CalendarRules will automatically assign activities based on the court rules for the selected court.

5. Docket Name: will be used to identify this docket in various docket views. This value will be defaulted to the trigger name and may be subsequently modified.

6. Service Type: when required, used by the CalendarRules service to assist in determining the activity schedule. The list of available Service Types will dynamically refresh based on the Court (new in 1.6).

It is important to note, changing the Trigger Date will automatically recalculate the activity dates for the docket.

1.2. Docket Activities

The activities within the docket are standard AdvoLogix tasks and events whose dates have been assigned by the CalendarRules court rules trigger. 

From left to right, column headings described as follows:

7. Create Activity: enable this checkbox to create an AdvoLogix activity for the trigger item.

8. Type: can be either Task or Event.

9. Activity Date: the activity due date is automatically determined by the CalendarRules trigger. Events also have the ability to set a start time and duration.

10. Subject: identifies the task or event; in the same manner served when creating a calendar activity manually. The default for this value is provided by CalendarRules when the trigger is applied to the docket.

11. Assigned To: represents the individual or user to which the activity will be scheduled. As with standard activities, when enabled, multiple assignees may be selected for events.

12. Reminder: when checked will enable a reminder for the specified activity.

13. Assigned Toactivities may be assigned to a single user or group of multiple users.

14. Mass Assign: allows activities to be mass assigned to a specific user or the user specified on a matter lookup field. Completed activities will not be reassigned.

Dockets should only be modified from the Docket New or Docket Edit options. While the platform offers various elements for inline editing or mass updating, the new/edit form contains the necessary business logic to manage the docket.

1.3. Locating Existing Dockets

Previously created CalendarRules dockets can be accessed from the primary docket list or from the related lists for matters or the related list for courts.

1.4. Docket Main List

The docket main list represents all previously created Calendar Rules dockets. A a standard list users have the ability to select fields, filters and sorting criteria for saved views. For quick access, the docket list can be added to your application's main menu or a custom navigation link of your choosing.

A common way to access previously created dockets is from the context of an AdvoLogix matter. The docket related list can be viewed in context with the matter the docket relates to.

1.6. Dockets for a Court

The court's related tab provides quick access to previously created dockets for the underlying court.

2. Modifying an Existing Docket

The primary reason to edit a docket is to modify the Trigger date which in turn can reschedule uncompleted activities. Although activities can be modified from the docket, keep in mind the individual activities created by the docket can be edited throughout AdvoLogix. 

2.1. Reload Trigger Items

When modifying an existing docket users may choose to recalculate the activity schedule. The Reload Trigger Items (15) button results in the following actions:

  • The current trigger rules be be applied to the existing activity list.
  • Any previously unselected or (new activities by rule) will be presented for selection. These activities will be unselected by default.
  • Uncompleted activities will be recalculated.

2.2. Recalculating Activity Dates

When editing a docket, the following actions will reschedule uncompleted activities based on the current CalendarRules trigger. Please note, uncompleted activities are tasks which have a Status other than Completed or Events that were scheduled prior to the current date and time.

  • Changing the Trigger Date
  • Changing the Service Type
  • Using the Reload Trigger Items Button

2.3. Do Not Recalculate

Some Trigger Activities May Be Identified by CalendarRules as Do Not Recalculate (DNR)

When a trigger contains activities identified as DNR and an existing docket's trigger date is changed, users will be presented with the choice to 1) leave the activity dates as-is or 2) reschedule them according to the court rule, without regard to the Do Not Recalculate setting provided by CalendarRules. In either case, these DNR activities will be identified by a caution symbol in column 1.

From the CalendarRules DoNotRecalculate documentation regarding Do Not Recalculate: 

“This functionality is very important to any CA rules users. The use case relates to changing (postponing) Trial dates in CA courts, where CCP 2024.020 (b) provides that a continuance or postponement of a trial date does not operate to reopen discovery proceedings. This means that if a trial date is changed, several child events, and their sub-events, may not be updated. Namely Discovery Cutoff, Discovery Motion Cutoff, Expert Witness Discovery Cutoff, and Expert Witness Motion Cutoff, and their respective sub events.”

3. Do Not Create List

The Do Not Create list is provided by CalendarRules to allow organizations to exclude specific trigger items from the activities list when creating a new Docket. When a specific trigger item is added to the Do Not Create list, future dockets (for the selected Trigger) will default the item to Do Not Create.

When creating and modifying dockets, users have the ability to include or exclude activities using the Create Activity checkbox in column 1 (as described above). AdvoLogix will automatically monitor these settings and offer to update the Do Not Create list as described below.

3.1. Adding Items to the Do Not Create List

When a docket is saved, users will have the option to add unchecked items to the Do Not Create list. This option is only applicable when the excluded item was not previously added to the Do Not Create list.

3.2. Removing Items from the Do Not Create List

When a docket is saved, if previously excluded items are enabled in the docket, users will have the option to remove these items from the Don Not Include list.

Certain trigger events in CalendarRules are dependent on date calculations based on when the related parent event occurs.  For such events, if the parent activity date is changed then all related activities (subsequently depending upon that activity) also change and re-calculate the dates.  All such activities will be specifically identified when viewing or editing a Docket.

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