AdvoLogix Help

Using the Google Drive Connector

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For every matter, a base folder will be present in Google Drive. A user will be presented with an option to connect to an existing base folder in Google Drive or it can be created and linked to the matter on the go.

  1. Displays logged-in user's basic information such as name and email.
  2. An action button to log out the user.
  3. Basic breadcrumb informational bar, to display the current folder path from your base folder, with each folder clickable to jump directly into. Clicking the folder icon in the breadcrumb will take the user to the current folder in Google Drive.
  4. The options menu to perform basic operations:
    1. Create a Folder - Create a new folder within your currently displayed folder.
    2. Link an Existing Folder - Connect a different base folder to the matter.
    3. Create a Spreadsheet - Create a Google Doc in the current folder displayed.
    4. Create a Document - Create a Google Sheet in the current folder displayed.
    5. Create a Slide - Create a Google Slide in the current folder displayed.
Options Menu Image

    5. The user can select a file to upload or drag-n-drop a file to upload into the current folder.
    6. A list of files and folders from your Google Drive.
    7. A row action menu containing various action items available on files and folders displaying within the             component.
              a. Open in Google Drive - Open the document in Google Drive.
              b. Edit - Edit the document. This is only available for native Google files.
              c. Upload New Version - Upload a new version of a file.  This is only available for non-native                            Google files.
              d. Download - Download Google files. This is only available for native Google files and support                         exporting into multiple output formats.

This can be done by deleting the mapping record from the Folder Record Mapping object, where the Salesforce record id = <Your record Id>.

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