AdvoLogix Help

Where can I find my Organization ID?

Updated on

Your Salesforce Organization ID is the unique identifier for your Salesforce identity. Include this ID when opening tickets with AdvoLogix (or Salesforce) support.  The Organization ID of your production environment is different than your Sandbox Organization ID. Whenever a Sandbox is refreshed, a new ID is established.

Salesforce Setup

  • For Classic: Click on Setup | Under Administer | Company Profile | Company Information
  • For Lightning: Click on Gear Icon | Setup | Company Settings | Company information

Search for Organization Id after performing the above steps.

The Organization ID is made up of 15 characters that include numbers and upper/lowercase letters.  To avoid mistakes, it is best to copy/paste the ID directly.

You can also find your Organization's instance a couple of lines down from the Organization ID.

Salesforce Help Portal

Alternatively, your Organization ID can be found via the Salesforce Help Portal.

  1. Log In to Salesforce Help (For more information on Salesforce Help, follow this article.)
  2. Scroll to the Support & Services tile and view your Organization ID

To see a quick video on how to locate your Salesforce Organization ID, please follow this link.

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