AdvoLogix Help

Set Up PDF Field Mappings

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To upload PDF invoices and save them to AdvoLogix, the PDF format must be made active, and field mappings must be provided to save corresponding fields from PDF to a field in the Invoice or Invoice Line Item object.

PDF uploading capability is part of AdvoLogix's special service program. For more details, please contact your AdvoLogix Account Executive.

Go to the AppLauncher and search for AdvoLogix Setup. From the sidebar, navigate to the Spend Management option.

Editing Field Mappings For PDF

1. Selecting a Format

Select the PDF format to customize the field mappings such that any uploaded invoice for the specific format would save the values to the provided target field here.

2. Making a Format Active/Inactive

Toggle the Active input to make the format available to users when uploading the invoices.

3. Field Mapping Grid

The field mapping grid contains following columns:

  • Source Field - The source field values are loaded automatically when selecting the PDF format.
  • Field Type - The field type is automatically detected based on the field in the PDF format specification.
  • Target Object - Select the target object where you would want to save the uploaded invoice value in.
  • Target Field - Select the target field where you want to save the specific field from the uploaded invoice's field value.
  • Do Not Map - Toggle the Do Not Map input when you do not want the user to save the specific PDF specification source field.

The Source Field corresponds to a JSON path that the AdvoLogix PDF service is returning. The structure of this path follows the following structures only:

  1. invoice.<invoice specific structure JSON path>
  2. line_item.<invoice line item specific structure JSON path>

Path 1 allows for the reading of data specific to the invoice from the PDF response. (Invoice JSON objects are at root of PDF response in AdvoLogix)
Path 2 allows reading data specific to Invoice Line Items from the PDF response. (Invoice Line Item JSON objects are nested within the line_items node as an array of items.)


For example, if a PDF response returns a custom unique identification number for a vendor, then the PDF response could be like this:

   invoice_number: 123,
   date: 2024-01-01,
   vendor_identity_number: "VID-123",
   line_items: [
        date: 2024-01-01,
        activity_code: 'A101',
        description: 'Test description',
        cost: 100,
        quantity: 2,
        total: 200,
        matter_identity_number: 'MID-567'

and then the Source Field could be mapped like this:
For Invoice: invoice.vendor_identity_number
For Invoice Line Item: line_item.matter_identity_number

4. Target Field Value Mapping Using the Lookup Via Option

The Lookup Via option is available when the target field is a lookup field or a master-detail field. This option establishes a relationship between the records being imported and existing records in the organization by looking up values in a specified field. This is particularly useful when importing related data, such as linking accounts, contacts, matters, timekeepers, and UTBMS codes to be looked up using their names or unique identifiers.

Configuring the Lookup Via Option:

  • Choose the Target Field: During the mapping step, select the field in the target object that you want to use for the lookup. For instance, if you're linking accounts to invoice line items, you might choose the Account field.
  • Specify the Lookup Field: In the "Lookup Via" section, specify the field on the related object that should be used for the lookup. For example, if you're matching accounts by account number, specify the Account Number field in the drop-down.
  • Handle Multiple Lookup Results Found: In situations where more than one record is found, you may choose how to handle those situations as mentioned below:
    • Use the first match if multiple results are found: AdvoLogix will pick the first value if more than one match is found for the selected field.
    • Report with an error if more than one match is found: AdvoLogix will mark the row with an error message saying more than one match is found for your field. (This will halt the invoice upload process due to an error.)
  • Insert null value(s) if no match is found: This option enables to insert null values or create no lookup relationship between the objects if no matches are found.

5. Use the Add Row button for new field mapping

If the PDF service is extracting data other than the standard field specifications of AdvoLogix, which are - Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Account Name, Matter Name, Contact Name, and Line Item Details - Line Item Date, Description, Account Name, Matter Name, Quantity, Rate, and Total, then any other extra data that is to be saved to Salesforce can be mapped by adding extra field mappings. 

Use the Add Row button to create a custom field mapping row and provide the field mapping details as defined in Step 3 above.

6. Save Action Bar

Click the Save button to save the chosen field mappings.

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