The following global Apex method can be used to retrieve list of accruals by providing vendor or matter.
The record identifier of the Vendor record.
The Matter Number or the record identifier of the Matter record.
Optional. The comma-separated list of fields that would be returned for the accrual records.
(If left empty, then the result will include all fields from Accruals)
Optional. A SOQL compliant order by phrase using which you can get list of Accruals sorted by a specific column from Accruals.
For example, advspm__Start_Date__c ASC
would return list of accruals in ascending order of Start Date.
(If left empty, then the result will be sorted by Created Date in ascending order)
Either @vendorRecordId
or @matterIdOrNumber
must be provided for this API method.
The function call will return an object of type: List<advspm__Accrual__c>. This object will have fields based on the input parameters.
List<advspm__Accrual__c> accrList = AccrualsService.getAccrualsList( 'a059000000RJhKTEAA', 'b126000000ghrEAABA' ); OR List<advspm__Accrual__c> accrList = AccrualsService.getAccrualsList( 'a059000000RJhKTEAA', 'MAT-LK-2023' );