The following global Apex method can be used to add or update an accrual.
The record identifier of the Vendor record.
The Matter Number or the record identifier of the Matter record.
The 3-character reference to month name.
(Must be restricted to following value set [Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec])
The 4-digit year value as a string.
The amount for your accrual greater than 0.
Optional. The record identifier. of the Accrual record to be updated.
The function call will return an object of type: advspm__Accrual__c.
List<advspm__Accrual__c> accrList = AccrualsService.addOrUpdateAccrual( 'a059000000RJhKTEAA', 'b126000000ghrEAABA', 'Jan', '2023', 5000, '' ); OR List<advspm__Accrual__c> accrList = AccrualsService.addOrUpdateAccrual( 'a059000000RJhKTEAA', 'MAT-LK-2023', 'Mar', '2023', 2500, '' );