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How to Assemble Your SharePoint Redirect URL

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To set up the SharePoint integration, you will need to assemble a redirect url with the instructions below.

Assemble the URL for a Production Org

The URL structure will look like this:

https://[my domain name]

Find Your My Domain Name

To find your organization's My Domain name, go to Setup >> Quick Find: My Domain (see below).

Assemble the URL for a Sandbox

The URL structure will look like this:

https://[my domain name]--[sandbox name]

Find the Sandbox Name (only if using a sandbox)

If you are installing into a sandbox, then you will need the name of the sandbox as well.  To find your sandbox name, (while logged into the sandbox) look at the top of any page (see below).

Assemble the URL for Other Org Types

The URL structure will look like this:

https://[your salesforce my domain]--shpoint.[domain partition value]

Find the Domain Partition Value
Org Type Domain Partition Value
Scratch Org scratch
Developer Org develop

The Redirect URL assembled above should be added within the SharePoint Admin Portal (SharePoint add-in/Azure-AD) and SharePoint Setup (within Salesforce).

How To Update Your Redirect URL

Update Redirect URL in SharePoint Admin Portal

Based on how you originally set up the SharePoint application registration for authentication within your organization, you may proceed with any of the options provided below:

  1. If authentication is done using the SharePoint Add-in:
    • Please follow this article and create a new web application.
  2. If authentication is done using Azure-AD:
    • Log in to your Azure portal as an administrator.  Then, under Azure Services, select Azure Active Directory.
    • On the Active Directory page, select App registrations from the navigation menu on the left.
    • Find and open your application by clicking on the name.
    • From the navigation menu on the left, select Authentication.
    • Under the Web Redirect URIs, click on Add URI action link.
    • Enter your assembled Redirect URL in the input box indicated on your screen.
    • Click Save to save your changes to the application.
Update Redirect URL in SharePoint Setup in Salesforce

You can find SharePoint Setup in the AppLauncher (waffle) at the top left of any Salesforce page.

  1. From the side menu, click on SharePoint Configuration.
  2. Select the Edit action button in the page header.
  3. Enter your assembled Redirect URL.
  4. Click Save.
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