AdvoLogix Help

How do I verify the number of user licenses that your organization has available?

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The Company Information page displays all of the active user and feature licenses you have purchased for your organization. A user license entitles a user to different functionality within Salesforce and determines the profiles available to the user. A feature license entitles a user to an additional Salesforce feature, such as Marketing or Connect Offline.

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  1. Click on your name on the top right side of an application.
  2. Select Setup

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Navigate to Setup | Company Profile | Company Information

Company Information detail page

Company Information detail page

This page has User Licenses and Feature Licenses as related list from where we gather the information of no. of user licenses a company have.

This page lists the following for each type of license:

  1. Status indicates the status of the license.
  2. Total Licenses indicates the number of licenses for which your organization is billed and that are available to you.
  3. Used Licenses is the number of licenses that you have assigned to users.
  4. Remaining Licenses is the number of unused licenses.


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