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Configure UniCourt Webhook Listeners

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UniCourt communicates with AdvoLogix by sending updates to a dedicated web service, which can be setup in your organization using Sites. Sites lets you create public web applications and web sites that run natively on (under your domain).

Assign UniCourt Permission Set to Site Guest User

Setup or use your own branded domain to set up a Site and assign the permission set UniCourt User (Webhooks)  to the Guest User associated with your Site by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to Salesforce Setup | User Interface | Sites and Domains | Sites.
  2. Open your Site from the list or create a new Site.
  3. Click on the Public Access Settings button to navigate to the profile view.
  4. Select Assigned Users to navigate to the user information.
  5. Click on the Full Name column value for the user record in the user's list.
  6. Scroll down to the Permission Set Assignments related list and click on the Edit Assignments button.
  7. Select UniCourt User (Webhooks) from the Available Permission Sets list and Add it to the Enabled Permission Sets list.

Add Endpoint URL to Webhook in UniCourt

By default, the webhook listeners (below) are provided within this integration. Copy the URL based on your Site URL and paste it within the UniCourt Account Panel.

  • Update Case:
    https://<Your Site URL>/services/apexrest/advUniCrt/updatecasecompletion

  • Track Case:
    https://<Your Site URL>/services/apexrest/advUniCrt/trackedcasescompletion

  • Order Document:
    https://<Your Site URL>/services/apexrest/advUniCrt/documentordercompletion

  • Scheduled Search: (Deprecated by UniCourt Platform)
    https://<Your Site URL>/services/apexrest/advUniCrt/scheduledsearchresults

You can retrieve Your Site's URL by following these steps:

  • Go to Setup | User Interface | Sites and Domains | Sites list.
  • Open your site, and scroll down to Custom URLs related list.
  • Your Site URL will be a combination of Domain Name & Path.

For example, if your Domain Name is and Path is /webhooks then Your Site URL will be

When Salesforce Enhanced Domains is enabled in your organization, the Site URL will change. The updated Site URL needs to be updated for all of the webhook URLs configured in your UniCourt Account Panel.

Please note, the Scheduled Search webhook has been deprecated by the UniCourt platform. Existing customers may continue to use the webhook until it is deprecated by UniCourt with no support for any issues found related to the usage.

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