To connect Salesforce with SharePoint, an authentication provider must first be set up in SharePoint. AdvoLogix supports two modes of authentication for SharePoint to connect:
- SharePoint Add-in - A web application registered within SharePoint online/Office 365 panel.
- Azure Active Directory (AD) - An Azure AD based web application registered within Azure Management Console.
Which one you use is based on how your organization has set up your SharePoint access. This article will walk you through how to register a web application using the SharePoint Add-in. To perform the steps needed, you must be an administrator who manages SharePoint and access for employees. If you do not have access to Azure Management Console, then proceed with registering the application in the SharePoint Add-in. Otherwise, you can register your web application using Azure AD.
You need to replace the used variables in below mentioned steps with your organization specific values. The used variables are defined as:
- [your company name] - The sub-domain value of your SharePoint Site.
- [site collection name] - The relative path of the SharePoint Site.
- [your salesforce my domain] - Your My Domain Name of your Salesforce Organization (see screenshot directly below).
For example, if your SharePoint Site URL is this:
- [your company name] = advologix
- [site collection name] = /sites/AdvoLogixDemoSite
Register a Web Application in SharePoint Online/Office 365
Step 1
Log into your Office 365 account as an administrator. Then you will copy/paste one of the following URL options into your browser:
Option 1
If your users have access to only one SharePoint Site, then use the following URL:https://[your company name][site collection path]/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx
Option 2
If your users have access to multiple SharePoint Sites and want to connect to any of them within AdvoLogix provided SharePoint Connector then use the following URL:https://[your company name]
1. Client Id - Select Generate
2. Client Secret - Select Generate
3. Title - Enter a name for the app (For example: SharePoint Connector)
4. App Domain - Enter the domain name of your Salesforce org (see screenshot directly below)
5. Redirect URL - Enter the redirect URL needed by AdvoLogix to authenticate with SharePoint. This URL will contain your organization's My Domain. The URL structure will look like this:
The URL structure will look like this:
With Enhanced Domains enabled:
- Production -
https://[your salesforce my domain]
- Sandbox -
https://[your salesforce my domain]--[your sandbox name]--
Without Enhanced Domains:
- Production -
https://[your salesforce my domain]
- Sandbox -
https://[your salesforce my domain]--[your sandbox name]--
6. Select Create when you are ready to move to the next step.
Copy/Paste the Client Id, Client Secret, and Redirect URL (after each value is generated), to a text file for later use. You will need them to complete the authentication setup process.
You will receive a success message like the one above.
Step 2
Copy/Paste one of the following URL options into your browser:
- If you chose Option 1 in Step 1, use the following URL:
https://[your company name][site collection path]/_layouts/15/appinv.aspx
- If you chose Option 2 in Step 1, use the following URL:
https://[your company name]
- App Id - Enter the Client Id from Step 2, then click Lookup
- Title - Keep the default value
- App Domain - Keep the default value
- Redirect URL - Keep the default value
- Permission Request XML - Enter a string with the following format:
<AppPermissionRequests AllowAppOnlyPolicy="true">
<AppPermissionRequest Scope="[scope]" Right="Write"/>
Replace [scope] with one of these values:
- If you chose Option 1 in Step 1, use the following URL:
- If you chose Option 2 in Step 1, use the following URL:
Select Create when you are ready to move to the next step.
Step 3
You will be presented with permission consent dialog. Select Trust It.