AdvoLogix Help

Introduction to Contacts

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The Contact record allows your organization to collect information about the people your organization interacts with. The Contact record helps support (and is supported by) other records (Matters, Accounts, Activities, etc.).

Contacts may optionally be assigned to an Account which provides relevant business hierarchy for Contacts within organizations.

In AdvoLogix, Matters have the ability to be related to a Primary Contact which is useful for identifying a specific individual for whom the Matter is related to. Additional Contacts can be related to a Matter through the Participants related list or by adding custom lookup fields to the Matter object. Common Contact relationships might include outside counsel, judges, witnesses, and consultants.

Contacts Tab

Contacts TAB

Clicking the Contacts tab brings you to the Contacts tab home page.  The Contacts tab displays a home page that lets you quickly create and locate all types of Contacts.

Choose from the out-of-the-box Contacts lists or modify or create a new list using the filter criteria.

In the recent Contacts section, select an item from the drop-down list to display a brief list of the top Contacts matching that criteria. From the list, you can click any Contacts' name to go directly to the Contacts detail. Toggle the Show 25 items and Show 10 items links to change the number of items that display.  Or you can click the New Button to add a New Contacts.

Under Reports, click any report name to jump to that report.

Under Tools, select any of the links  to access utilities for managing your Contacts.

Select the New button to add a new Contacts.

Choose from the out-of-the-box Contacts list views, edit or Create a New list using your filter criteria.

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