AdvoLogix Help

zzzWorldox Integration (legacy)

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Worldox is an industry leading document management system (DMS) that can be easily integrated with AdvoLogix. The instructions provided (below) will allow your team instant access to Worldox Desktop from any Matter, Account, Contact or custom object in AdvoLogix.

The following information applies to setting up the Worldox integration in Salesforce classic. Please see this article for using the Worldox Integration in lightning.

What are the prerequisites?

Users will need Worldox GX3 or Worldox GX4 with access to the Worldox desktop application. Keep in mind, your firm can choose to hide the integration links for users without access to Worldox.

What does the integration do?

What does the integration do?

Worldox provides a very robust API feature that allows AdvoLogix to launch Worldox Desktop, with a predefined set of search criteria. When a Worldox link is clicked within AdvoLogix, the end user is presented with the Worldox application dialog, pre-filtered to display only those documents pertinent to the underlying AdvoLogix record.

Worldox can be related to any AdvoLogix object. The most common implementations will allow Worldox to be launched from the context of a Matter (and/or Account/Client).

These Worldox links can be added to AdvoLogix in the following ways:

  • From a button or a hyperlink placed on the detail page layout.
  • From a link in the list view or on a report.

How do I implement the Worldox integration?

How do I implement the Worldox Integration?

Sample Worldox URL Calling Convention

The illustration shown above exhibits the calling convention to open Worldox for the underlying Matter. Worldox provides many options for this calling parameter. This example uses the field named Client Matter ID to map to the Worldox Matter in profile field 2. This command can also include a Client ID or any other parameters needed by your Worldox implementation.

The parameters are defined as follows:

(A) ?G5 specifies the Worldox Profile Group ID you want to search within.
(B) ?2 tells Worldox to search using profile field 2.
(C) {AdvoLogixFieldName} this value works in conjunction with ?2.

Given these parameters Worldox will return documents whose value in profile field 2 matches with the AdvoLogix value in Client_Matter_ID field.

How can I add a Worldox Button to the Matter page layout?

Use the following procedure to create a Matter button to add to the top of your Matter page layout(s).

  1. Go to Setup | Create | Object | Matter | Buttons and Links
  2. Create a new Button, name it Worldox.
  3. Create a the appropriately formatted launch command for the wdox:// API.

Use the following procedure to create a new custom Matter Formula field. The resulting field will be a "read-only hyperlink that can be placed on page layouts, in list views or on reports.

  1. Go to Setup | Create | Object | Matter | Custom Fields
  2. Create a new formula field with a type of Text name it Worldox.
  3. Create a the appropriately formatted launch command for the wdox:// API.

The formula for this command would look like this:

  "javascript:window.location.href = 'wdox://?G5 AND ?2 "+ advpm__Client_Matter_ID__c +"'",
  "Open in Worldox",

The above techniques may also be implemented for AdvoLogix Accounts (clients), Contacts or any custom object you wish to relate to a set of Worldox content.

What if I need more help?

There is a vibrant community of consultants, integration partners and technical experts specializing in Worldox.

Still need help? Click here!
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